
Panflute fluier caval lessons - International Panflute Academy

Learn pan flute, fluier or caval

When he enrolls at the International Pan flute Academy, the student joins a professional training course. The objective is to train musicians capable of playing on stage, solo, or with an orchestra, accompanied by other instruments, such as the piano or the guitar, but also with small or large chamber orchestras.

Our pan flute, fluier or caval lessons are individual, we offer them in person (face-to-face), or online, for a total duration of three years. We have students come from countries all over the world, such as Romania, Belgium, France, China and Japan, to name a few.

The lessons are accessible to children from 10 years old and without age limit for adults.


Pan flute, fluier and
caval lessons

Cours apprendre leçons learn courses Lessons leren lesen panflute flûte de pan panfluite

Through the international Panflute Academy, you can learn the panpipes, flier and caval, while being able to enjoy the health benefits that breathing techniques bring but the spiritual benefits that this brings because the music played on this instrument comes from the soul.

Cours apprendre leçons learn courses Lessons leren lesen fluier caval

Class Schedules

Face to face lessons

Pan flute, fluier or caval lessons take place in face to face :

Schedules :

Online lessons

Pan flute, fluier or caval lessons take online :

Schedules :

Formules's courses

In order to allow you to learn and study the pan flute, the fluier or the caval, in the best possible conditions, Raluca Patuleanu Negura and Stefan Negura, from the international Pan flute Academy, offer you a choice of formule to pricing adapted to your profile and your choice of instrument.

Before paying for your courses, the teachers will discuss with you to see what knowledge you may have already acquired.

Pan flute lessons


10 lessons pack

€ 250


10 lessons pack

€ 400

Popular offer


10 lessons pack

€ 500


10 lessons pack

€ 600

Fluier or caval lessons

For all

10 lessons pack

€ 300

Pan flute seminaries

In parallel with individual pan flute, luier or caval lessons, face-to-face or online, the international pan flute academy has been organizing regular pan flute seminars since 2003, accessible to people of all levels, seminars led by Raluca Patuleanu Negura and Stefan Negura and by great masters of the pan flute in Europe, regularly invited by the academy on this occasion. This also allows students to discover and meet other professionals, in a good mood and serious work.

 For seminarys, the International Panflute Academy invites prestigious professors like Ion Negura, Ulrich Herkenhoff, Romeo Vaduva, Raducu Vasile etc.

Panflute lessons seminary - International Panflute Academy

Past pan flute seminaries

October 28, 2019
28 October 2019 - 31 October 2019

Music theory courses (optional)

Learn pan flute flluier caval seminary music theory - International Panflute Academy

In additional to learning an instrument, the International Pan flute Academy propose to learn to read sheet music and notions of music theory and music theory.

Final goal of the students's academy

When the student finishes his three years of study at the academy, he must be able to take part in concerts, competitions, festivals, like a real concert performer, and also, if he wishes, become himself. same teacher.

Pan flute, fluier, caval lessons - International Pan flute Academy

Testimony's students

L'international Pan flute Academy fait partie des meilleures écoles de flute de pan en Europe, ses professeurs, Raluca Patuleanu Negura et Stefan Negura proposent un enseignement de qualité grâce à diverses formules proposées à leurs étudiants, donnant également la possibilité aux meilleurs d'entre eux, de participer à des festivals internationaux, au coté de grands maitres de la discipline en Europe.
Raluca est ma professeur depuis plusieurs années. Cette maître de la flûte de pan donne bien plus que des simples indications pour progresser à la flûte de pan. Raluca est une vraie professeur, c'est comme elle enseigne que je vois l'enseignement. Elle enseigne avec tout son cœur, avec toute son âme. Raluca, elle m'a prise par la main, elle m'a amenée à réaliser mon rêve!!! Je garderai pour toujours une immense gratitude pour elle. J'ai connu Stefan lors de stages et il a souvent su trouver le conseil technique pour me faire faire un bond en avant dans la maîtrise de la technique de flûte de pan. J'ai beaucoup de gratitude pour Stefan aussi!
Doi oameni extraordinari, doua exemple de urmat ,doi profesioniști Raluca Patuleanu Negură și Ștefan Negură! Recomand cu inima deschisă această Scoala de nai, acești doi profesori de cea mai înaltă calitate !
Il y a des années, j'ai eu Raluca comme professeur de flûte de Pan. Ce sont des souvenirs inoubliables. Raluca est une virtuose et une professeur très compétente, motivée et patiente. Vous cherchez un bon professeur de flûte de Pan, Raluca est celle qu'il vous faut et qui vous guidera pas à pas vers le but que vous vous êtes fixé en flûte de Pan. Son mari est également un virtuose de cet instrument et ils forment donc un duo de choc. Ce sont des maîtres dans leur domaine. La Belgique peut être fière d'avoir ce beau couple et cette école sur son territoire. Longue vie à vous deux et votre école
Christian Hougon
I was allowed to take lessons at Raluca for more than 10 years. I couldn't do anything about music, let alone the beautiful Romanian folk music and rhythms! My passion for the panflute got a new impulse after every lesson to keep practicing and when I met her husband Stefan Negura new doors opened. I can only be grateful to them for what I get to learn and grateful for where I am musically now! Din inima si suflet: Multumesc mult!
Student - International Pan flute Academy
Tom Goemaere
great teaching. You can learn step-by-step and your students will feel that they have improved their playing. Both are great musicians and great educators. You can learn how to play the best in the world.
Student - International Pan flute Academy
Fumiko Sakuraoka